POOLaide Webinar: Turning a Vision into a Reality - How to Implement Aquatic Projects
Originally aired May 15, 2020
Presentation by Lisa Reinders, Quantum Recreation
The focus of this session is getting you inspired to get started on bigger aquatic projects. How do you get started, find allies and alliances, maintain momentum, and do succession planning?
Lisa Reinders
Lisa is a passionate community developer, visionary leader, and innovator.
Show Notes
00:00 Early start with Katie Crysdale
18:17 Welcome & Introductions
21:29 Presentation
1:04:20 Q & A
1:22:40 Wrap Up
Links/Sources Discussed
Alberta Association of Aquatic Professionals (AAAP) Meeting Show Notes
Alberta Association of Aquatic Professionals (AAAP)
POOLaide Webinar: Workplace Health & Safety: Non-Scary Tips
POOLaide Webinar: Drownings in Pools with Lifeguards - Why Submerged Victims Go Unnoticed
POOLaide Webinar: Virtual Inservice - Now & Beyond
POOLaide Webinar Recordings (YouTube)
Lakeview Aquatic Consultants (Facebook)
Lakeview Aquatic Consultants (Instagram)
POOLaide Webinar: Stop Accomodating, Start Seeking: Accessibility in Aquatics
Lakeview Aquatic Consultants Newsletter Signup
Lakeview Aquatic Consultants Newsletter Archives
National Parks & Recreation Association
Canadian Parks & Recreation Association
Ted Talk: Great Leaders Inspire Action (Start with Why) by Simon Sinek
For the complete POOLaide Webinars, please click here.