POOLaide Webinar: Making Aquatics a Winner

POOLaide Webinar: Making Aquatics a Winner


Originally aired May 1, 2020
Presentation by Jason Simituk, Quantum Recreation

How do you take the passion you have for water safety and drowning prevention and make a compelling case to the "dry people" who make the final decisions that your services are essential? 

Powerpoint Slides

Jason Simituk
Jason is a parks and recreation planner and a community engagement specialist with over 15 years of experience covering the full spectrum of recreation within private and public recreation. His unique ability to transform surveys and other powerful tools to explain the importance of recreation and parks to both the public and elected officials. 

Jason is armed with certifications in both the association of public participation (IAP2) and project management professional (PMP), which allows him to ensure that the community is engaged and empowered in the projects that he manages.  During one engaging event had him dressed in a lab coat while hiding in a closet with both a smoke machine and strobe light… to get the rest of the story, make sure you attend this engaging session led by Jason Simituk. 

Show Notes

00:00 Early start with Katie Crysdale, Lakeview Aquatic Consultants Ltd. 

27:30 Welcome & Introductions

31:00 Presentation 

1:10:52 End of Presentation, Q & A

1:36:50 Wrap Up

Links/Sources Discussed 

Monday, April 27 webinar recording & show notes

Wednesday, April 29 webinar recording & show notes

All previous POOLaide webinar recordings (YouTube)

Virtual Saskatchewan & Manitoba Aquatic Conference (VSMAC) Program Guide

Virtual Saskatchewan & Manitoba Aquatic Conference (VSMAC) Registration

POOLaide Webinar Main Page

Lakeview Aquatic Consultants (Facebook)

Lakeview Aquatic Consultants (Instagram)

Quantum Recreation

Alberta Recreation & Parks Association (ARPA)

Lakeview Aquatic Consultants email newsletter signup

Association of Aquatic Professionals (AOAP) Competitor of the Month

AOAP Competitor of the Month - Katie Crysdale (May 2020)

Lifeguard Authority Facebook Group

Original Watermen

Jason Simituk Presenter Photo ("Baywatch") 

Quantum Recreation

Survey Monkey

Survey Gizmo



NetPromoter Score

Finis Friday

POOLaide Webinar: Stop Accommodating, Start Seeking: Accessibility in Aquatics

Lakeview Aquatic Consultants email newsletter signup

Lakeview Aquatic Consultants (Facebook)

Online Certified Pool Operator (CPO) class registration - US Imperial

Online Certified Pool Operator (CPO) class registration - Metric

POOLaide Webinar Networking List (Google Drive)


For the complete POOLaide webinar schedule, please click here.


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