Writing Techniques for Aquatic Professionals

Originally aired April 22, 2020 

Coherent, compelling, and correct writing is now more important than ever. This session geared towards aquatic professionals will give you tips & tricks to improve your communication via emails, presentations, reports, etc. 

PowerPoint Slides

Katie Cleasby
Has a background in aquatics including lifeguarding and pool operation, teaching Physical Education, Athletic Administration, and is currently working on her Doctorate as part of the Executive Leadership Program at George Washington University. She has a passion for leadership, travel, lives a plant based lifestyle, and enjoys training for triathlons and marathons.

Show Notes
00:00 Welcome
25:20 Presentation
1:27: 30 Q & A with Joey Rusnak 

Grammar Girl podcast
Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing by Mignon Fogerty
Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation by Lynne Truss